Helping you stand in your power and speak your truth with authenticity and Sweet Strength!

Are you feeling overwhelmed with stress and stuck in a negative cycle in your life?
- Do you feel like you give your power away to certain people or situations and feel stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage?
- Is everything getting on top of you – to the point you are feeling constantly overwhelmed or in shut down?
- Do you feel powerless to change and is anxiety and stress holding you back?
- Is there a lack of clarity and a feeling of frustration because you are not fulfilling your potential?
- Is there a sense of disconnection in your life and are your relationships unfulfilling?
- Are you feeling stuck in the past and unable to move forward?
- Do you have fears for the future and constantly in your head with negative thoughts that you can’t switch off?
If you answered yes to any of these questions you are not alone and empowerment coaching may be for you…..
Empowerment coaching is for you if you feel stuck or disempowered in an area of your life that is causing you stress and anxiety. This coaching helps you to transmute and let go of fears that are creating blocks, keeping you in cycles of patterns that are stopping you from moving forward and stepping into your power.
My approach to coaching is to listen to your language. I intuitively illuminate truth for you to witness that helps release disempowering beliefs and behaviours held within your subconscious. This acts as a catalyst for personal transformation, which brings you into alignment with your own truth that feels authentic and uplifting. My purpose and intention during the coaching sessions and programmes is to alleviate suffering from stress and anxiety enabling empowerment to make choices that bring about positive change. I create a safe, non judgemental space for you to explore who you really are and what you desire to create a healthy fulfilling life on your terms.

I work with you through my sessions and packages to….
- Bring clarity to what is creating blocks to you moving forward
- Provide you with skills to master your emotions, self- belief and inner peace
- Help you embody new positive beliefs based in truth and not from faulty programming from childhood wounding
- Create resilience so that you can live life on your terms
- Develop confidence and composure
- Generate stability and balance by giving yourself inner support and compassion
Experience Sweet Strength which means that you are able to enjoy your life from a place of freedom, dropping the fear and living in love, balance and harmony with yourself.
How you can work with me….
Sweet Strength Power Hour
One -To-One Coaching Session tailored to your specific needs
Gain deeper clarity on your subconscious patterns and beliefs that are holding you back
Clear toxic energy from unprocessed emotions that trigger a stress response
An exploration into how you can unlock your natural strengths and stand in your power
1-2 transformational tools to use beyond the session
1 x 60 minute coaching session or
1 x 90 minute coaching session to include Reiki and Crystal Healing (at clinic only)
Investment = £60 for 1hr Power Hour or £90 to include Reiki and Crystal Healing.
This can be via Zoom or at my clinic in Bradville, Milton Keynes
Unlock your Power to Sweet Strength
Throughout this introductory course we will look at….
Understanding the causes of stress and anxiety
The mind/body connection
How the Fight or Flight Stress response works for survival and how it is triggered in our day to day life creating self sabotaging patterns
Emotion is energy in motion – a look into the energy field and how unprocessed emotion creates blocks and imbalances on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level
It’s all about balance – way’s to release blocked energy to bring about balance on all levels that keep you stuck in old programmes created in childhood shutting you down and resistant to change
6-8 transformational tools to help you manage your stress and anxiety
4 x 1hr weekly sessions
Includes a Bonus 1-1 Power Hour worth £60 to discover your own personal blocks to how you self sabotage!
Investment = £111 for Group Coaching Programme Includes Bounus 1-1 Power Hour Worth £60
Course starts Monday 27th March 2023