
07891 181186


Appointments are available at

Haven Log Cabin, 18, Sheering Grove, Bradville, Milton Keynes, MK13 7BG

For a healthy body and healthy mind, please call 07891 181186  for any enquiries or to make an appointment. Alternatively, you can contact Carol using the form below. Please fill out all the fields.

    This form collects your name, telephone number and email address along with your message so that our team can communicate with you and provide you with assistance. Please check our Privacy Policy to see how we protect and manage your submitted data.

getting massage in a day spa

Opening times

Day Time
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10am-8pm
Wednesday 1pm-8pm
Friday 10am-5pm
Saturday, Sunday 10am-2pm


We accept Debit Cards, Credit cards or Cash.